73027 OrbiSsage Jet Wall Fitting

Caldera Spas

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73027 OrbiSsage Jet Wall Fitting

This part is a replacement orbissage jet wall fitting for select Caldera hot tubs. The jet are a powerful system that combines water pressure and air to provide a substantial stream.

Have the spa drained with the foam dug out exposing the rear wall fitting retaining ring that holds the jet in place. Compatible with 2003 to 2008 Caldera spa models.



Item Description Part #
1 Orbissage Jet Insert 73247
* Orbissage Jet Insert w/ Escutcheon 74110
2 Jet Wall Fitting 73027

Item Description Part #
1 Adjustable VSR Jet Insert **
2 Adjustable VSR Jet Insert W/Escutcheon **
3 Jet Wall Fitting 73027